Reform School WORKSHOP

Designed exclusively for our previous Reform School Class attendees and their dogs. Fun games for Focus and Confidence!


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Add new skills to your Reform School class toolkit!

This workshop is designed to provide you, our previous class attendees, a new set of easy fun exercises to do with your dogs that will have lasting positive impacts on your life together.

Of course, as always, you'll have access to online tutorials for use before and after the workshop, in order to continued progress at home and "in the wild." Don't miss out on this brand new workshop that's sure to be a fun time full of success and breakthrough moments.


This two hour Reform School Workshop adds new gems to your previously taken Reform School class skills. Using games, we'll...

  1. Build your dog's confidence for calmer behavior
  2. Help your dog focus more on you and relax
  3. Gain more confidence handling your dog.
  4. Have fun!

WHEN: One session only, for two hours, 1-3pm.
LOCATIONS: in-person, as a group, outside in the Blackbaud parking lot on Daniel Island, SC. 
PREREQUISITE: Reform School Class.

NOTE: Wonder Dog University uses only Modern, Dog Training, no-force, science-based methods.
NO choke, slip or prong collars are permitted in class.


Register fast!
Workshop size is limited.


Nov. 18, 1-3pm - Blackbaud Parking Lot on Daniel Island